Contact Person : Paul
Phone Number : +86-755-83237778
WhatsApp : +8618145820075
December 15, 2022
Transit is a very important customs procedure for Customs Administrations in countries that provide port services for land-locked countries.
These administrations are required to provide a transit solution for neighboring countries, and in practice the administration of these procedures create problems that shared by customs organizations all over the world.
We've been particularly successful with sectors in customs supervision, currently, together with our partners, we provide E-tracking service for 35 customs around the world, we found that most of the customs are still using the traditional seals to manage the transit cargo,so there will always be a series of headaches such as cargo theft, smuggling, drug trafficking...etc,in addition, it's hard to assess whether the actual goods that have been released for customs transit have in effect reached their proper destination,which made the officials frustrated and extremly busy in dealing with those audits, due to there is no efficient tool,it always lead to customs clearance delay, some even take up to several months, which not only effect the supervision efficiency, but also increase the operation cost of the end user, we've been able to help those customs to reduce workload and cargo theft, improve clearance efficiency.
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