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Enhancing Safety and Efficiency in Refined Oil Transportation

June 25, 2024

Latest company news about Enhancing Safety and Efficiency in Refined Oil Transportation

In the increasingly complex world of refined oil transportation, companies face operational challenges that affect efficiency, safety, and customer satisfaction.

Jointech conducted multiple in-depth on-site surveys to address the challenges faced by oil transportation companies.

To better understand and address these issues, Jointech has conducted extensive on-site research, engaging directly with oil transportation companies to identify their pain points.

Common problems include:

  • Unexplained reductions in oil volume during transit
  • Oil spills during the loading process at depots, leading to financial losses
  • Mixing of different oil grades during loading
  • Incorrect unloading of oil grades at gas stations
  • Delivery errors resulting in scheduling disruptions
  • Absence of real-time monitoring for critical information like valve status, oil levels, and transportation progress
  • Lack of effective dispatch management for visual oversight

To tackle these challenges, Jointech has designed a comprehensive safety management solution for refined oil transportation. Through continuous research and system upgrades, we have developed an advanced solution that enhances operational accuracy, efficiency, and overall management.

Jointech conducted multiple in-depth on-site surveys to address the challenges faced by oil transportation companies.

Jointech conducted multiple in-depth on-site surveys to address the challenges faced by oil transportation companies.



Key Features

  1. Anti-Theft Technology: Our innovative intelligent valve lock provides robust authentication and control over valve operations. With integrated geographic tracking and anti-mixing technology, it prevents unauthorized oil discharge and leakage, ensuring secure and leak-free oil transportation.

  2. Preventing Spillage During Loading: The intelligent valve lock is equipped with sensors that integrate into the operational workflow, preventing secondary oil loading and mitigating the risk of oil depot overflow.

  3. Oil Mixing Prevention: The system automatically verifies the oil product information before each operation. If discrepancies are detected, the system automatically halts the process to prevent the mixing of different oil grades.

  4. Ensuring Accurate Unloading: By integrating scheduling data from the petrochemical company, tanker compartment information, gas station locations, and real-time operational updates, our system ensures that the correct oil is unloaded at the correct gas station, eliminating the risk of unloading errors.

  5. Efficiency Monitoring and Analysis: From the moment the oil is loaded at the depot, each step of the process is closely monitored. The system tracks specific times and locations, enabling detailed analysis of transportation efficiency, which aids in improving management and operational effectiveness.

  6. Visualized Scheduling: The system’s visual interface displays key operational data at each stage, enhancing the monitoring experience and providing valuable insights for more efficient decision-making.

  7. Paperless Operations: All aspects of scheduling, delivery, and acceptance are digitized, using explosion-proof tablets for sign-offs, eliminating the need for paper and streamlining operations.

Jointech’s solutions do more than provide technical innovation; we aim to partner with our clients for mutual growth. By leveraging our advanced technology, we are transforming the oil transportation sector, ensuring safer, more efficient, and more accurate operations. We are committed to continuously delivering exceptional service and professional solutions, propelling the industry toward a smarter, more modern future.

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